The Cleveland and Teesside Local History Society publishes and sells a number of local history publications.

Our own publications include:

  • Our Bulletin, ‘Cleveland History’, is issued free to members twice a year. It is noted for its high standard and its variety of topics – there is always something to interest everyone.
  • A regular Newsletter is distributed to Members on a regular basis: this contains short articles based on the research interests of Members, news and views, book reviews and details of forthcoming activities.
  • We also publish occasional books on aspects of the history of the area

We have a limited number of our publications available – they are listed below.

To email Ian click here

To email Val click here

Please find below details of currently available publications.

Cleveland History – Bulletin of the Society – Back Issues

We have a limited amount of editions of Cleveland History in our stores. If there are any that you require a physical copy of, please contact Val Harrison ( to see which copies are available.

Regular editions are £1 per copy plus – 
p&p £1.50 for one copy, 
p&p for 2-4 copies £2.50, 
p&p 5+ price on application.
The larger specials are numbers 95, 100, 113 and are £2 each plus £2.50 p&p

Full list of Bulletins can be found here

Please Note: All editions of Cleveland History are available online exclusively to our members – so why not make an investment and join us?

Individual member £18
Household member £19
Schools/Colleges/Libraries etc. £21
Full time students/Under18’s/Registered Unemployed £10
(Overseas surcharge £16)

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The History of Stockton & Thornaby in Maps. 1982. Reprinted 2005.
ISBN 0950719919
An Album of reproductions of 21 old maps and plans, with text.

On sale at £10.00 + Free Postage and Packing

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The History of the River Tees in Maps. 2001 (Third Edition)
ISBN 09507199 6X

An Album of reproductions of 23 old maps and plans, with descriptive notes.

On sale at £10.00 + Free Postage and Packing

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The Society’s publication ‘Historic Reflections across the Tees
ISBN 0-9507199-5-1 is now available. Now priced at only £1.00. It is now available from local bookshops. To obtain a copy by post contact the Editor adding £1.50 for UK p & p.
Chapter 1: Order & Disorder in Medieval Cleveland. Geoffrey S. Braddy
Chapter 2: The Reformation Era in Cleveland. Christine M. Newman
Chapter 3: Late 18th Century Writing on Cleveland Agriculture. Mark Whyman
Chapter 4: The Impact of Industry. John K. Harrison
Chapter 5: Housing & Health in 19th Century Teesside. Geoffrey Stout
Chapter 6: Education, Employment & Domestic Ideology in Cleveland 1900-1939. Angela Brockbank

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Saints Alive ! How it all began in Middlesbrough. 1994.
ISBN 0 9507199 3 5
Based on an exhibition held at the Dorman Museum in 1992, this book tells the history of Middlesbrough churches, their buildings and the people involved with them.

Available from the Editor for only £1.00 + £1.50 p+p.

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Jacky Quarmby’s Books

Following on from our very successful book sale back in May, we’d like to give everyone the opportunity to purchase further books from our friend Jacky Quarmby’s collection, by kind arrangement with her son, Nick.  Here is a link that will take you to the list of books still available here:
Nick can be contacted via email on