Membership of Cleveland & Teesside Local History Society is open to everyone of all ages. All you need is an interest or enthusiasm for local history, whether you’re interested in specific time periods or perhaps the history of your locality.

Whatever your interest you are welcome to join the Society and take part in its activities.

Membership of CTLHS brings with it:

  • The opportunity to attend our meetings. In a typical year we have four meetings, at each of which there are two speakers, each speaking on different topics.

  • The opportunity to participate in Guided Walks to places of historical interest.

  • The opportunity to attend occasional Day Schools at which a number of speakers deliver talks relevant to the Day School theme.
  • Receipt of our Newsletter (named the Newsletter of the Year 2018 by the British Association for Local History) – distributed three times a year and containing short articles on a variety of topics.

  • Receipt of our Bulletin ‘Cleveland History’ – published usually twice a year and containing more lengthy articles, reflecting research carried out by Members of the Society.

  • Full online access to all editions of Cleveland History, from 1968 to present day.
  • Receipt of our e-bulletin ‘The Scroll’ – distributed by e mail, usually monthly, and containing short articles and details of a talks and other events of interest to historians in the region.

  • Access to a ‘Members Only’ area of the web site where Members can access copies of papers presented at events, articles that have appeared in ‘Cleveland History’, and other documents of interest.

If you would like to join the Society please complete the Membership Form and send with cheque to:

Cleveland & Teesside Local History Society
c/o 43 Petrel Crescent
TS20 1SN

Or join online via Genfair:

Current subscription rates:

Individual member £18
Household member £19
Schools/Colleges/Libraries etc. £21
Full time students/Under18’s/Registered Unemployed £10
(Overseas surcharge £16)

Download the membership form here (PDF format)